Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 2008

Christmas this year was great! The boys were the perfect age! They were so excited for Santa to come. We have a calendar that you move the candy cane each day until Christmas eve. Ryan would wake up every morning and move the candy cane! On Christmas eve morning we got up and hiked up North Mountain with Pa. Ryan and Sean both hiked up by themselves and we made it up in time for the sunrise. It was a beautiful sunrise! Christmas eve, Santa and his elf were up until 2am putting together toys, book shelves, and toy boxes. The boys slept in until 7:30, then there was no holding them back! Santa ate the m&m's and drank the milk we left out for him. He also used the towel placed outside the fireplace to wipe his feet so he didn't drag soot through the house. The boys loved their toys. It was a great Christmas!